• Q: How do I order?
  • A: You can place your order online at any time using our secure shopping cart, or by placing an order over the phone during our business hours. Please consult our business hours here.
  • Q: How do I pay for my order?
  • A: We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, Amazon Pay & financing through Affirm.
  • Q: How will my order be shipped?
  • A: We offer Ground Shipping for US orders ONLY (including Alaska and Hawaii).
  • Q: What are your shipping and handling rates?
  • A: Shipping and handling rates vary by product. Almost all of our items shipped within the continental U.S. come with Free Shipping, however, due to weight and occasional handling fees some of our products have a shipping charge. All shipping fees will be displayed on individual items before you add them to your shopping cart and purchase them. For orders being shipped outside the continental U.S. we will add an extra shipping charge to the entire order. This charge will be displayed on the order confirmation page before you submit your order.
  • Q: How long does it take for the products to arrive?
  • A: Most items in stock ship within 1 to 3 days. Please allow up to 11 days for delivery. Some custom items are made to order, and may take 2-3 weeks to be shipped
  • Q: What is your return policy?
  • A: Click here to read our Return Policy
  • Q: How do I check the status of my order?
  • A: We will email you an order tracking number when your order has shipped. Some of our products, including but not limited to custom seat and car covers, are custom made to order and require us to get the tracking information from the manufacturer. For such orders, please allow additional time for order status information.
  • Q: Do you offer financing?
  • A: No we do not at this time.